Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Table: The Missing Link

One of the joys of getting a handle on the clutter in my house is the rediscovery of furniture. One piece that we have been missing for quite a while is our dining room table.

It has always been my intention to have regular... if not daily meals at the table. What young wife doesn't envision her family sitting down like a Norman Rockwell painting while she swoops into her chair--- Cool, Composed and Collected... not to mention Chic wearing her 50's style vintage apron. 

Then reality hits... AKA…babies enter the picture. As I look back over the past three and a half years I see that we have tried to sit at the table. But many meals have been spent with me doing the nursing mom thing. Feeding me, feeding her, spilling food on baby and using the burp rag as a napkin. We tried variations of family table time with the baby in a bouncy seat, swing and then later high chair. 

However, I would often survey our average meal time: The girls at the kids table, Rory eating in his spot over the sink, and me sitting in a chair somewhere... or for the past six months after surgery I ate in bed and couldn't physically sit in a dining room chair.

So now, as a recovering back surgery patient, and a recovering 'Messie'--- We are embarking on new territory of meals at the table.

There are so many benefits to eating together at the table. It is a great time to reconnect, to teach manners, to enjoy our food and many more. One definite plus is that my kids eat more of their food if we sit down and eat with them. This is huge. The family meal table isn't just about building relationships it also leads to better eating habits in our children!

So pull up a chair! Bon Appetit!

Watch for some meal time tips and more benefits I have discovered along the way.

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