Friday, May 25, 2012

Dreaming a Fabulous Dream!

On day two of 'Organizing Magic, 40 days to a well ordered home and life.'
Sandra Felton challenges us to dream about what we want our homes to be like. 
I like all of the examples she gives in the book. But, here are my personal dreams that I want to add to that list.

In my dream home ...

  1.          The stuff we have would fit in the space we have. If at all possible I don’t want our 1300 SF house to feel stuffed to the gills. In this perfect dream; the number of books we have would fit on the book shelf, the clothes we have would fit in the drawers, and we would only store what we have room to store in the shed.
  2.          Every item would have a space and a place. If I noticed an item laying around I would be able to pick it up and immediately know where to put it away.
  3.         My kid's bedroom would be able to be picked up in 10 minutes or less and the girls would be able to pretty much do it all by themselves. They would also be able to safely play in their rooms, and have a reasonable amount of toys.
  4.         I would not be fighting a clutter war all the time. Instead we would be able to tidy up the whole house in 30 minutes. Then I would be able to actually do daily cleaning chores to maintain the house. And… spend more time doing other things!
  5.         Our home school materials would be contained, organized, and usable.
  6.         I would have what I need and use what I have.
  7.         I could be ready for guests in a flash, and be able to entertain on a dime.
  8.         My bedroom would be a restful, clean and romantic place to be… rather than the overflow and dumping ground for all things that need sorted.
  9.         Our home would be a peaceful place for my husband to come home and recharge and study. Rather than an overwhelming place with a chore in every inch he can see. 
  10.      My counter would not be the clutter magnet that it is!!!
  11.      Of course I would also like my home to be described as stylish, orderly, peaceful, calm and homey. I don't want it to be so clean that no one feels comfortable. I also don't want to be a slave to my home. But I would like it to be a peaceful dwelling place for my family to reside.
   Well, that's the dream. Now to work towards making that dream a reality!

1 comment:

Anna said...

I especially relate to #8- or at least the romance part! It seems like I put anything of "mine" on my dresser, which happens to be the first thing the eye falls upon when entering the room.