Friday, May 25, 2012

Red Light! Green Light!

I am on a 40 day journey to a well-ordered home through the book Organizing Magic by Sandra Felton. Feel free to grab the book and join me.

Alright, I have dreamed my dreams, assessed my organizational level, and now it is time to start implementing small changes. We are challenged to decide on three habits to stop, three habits to continue and three habits to start. These are supposed to be simple changes that propel me towards my dreams of orderly living.


  • I am going to stop being in charge of ministries at church, and limit our commitments outside the home.
As a wife of a pastor it is so easy to get swept into the many great ministries and activities that take place in our church. It has taken me a long time to see and understand my role and where I fit into the life of the church. I have had to ask the hard questions... What does God want me to do with my time? What does my husband want and need me to be doing? How can I best support him?

I started out feeling that I should have a ministry that I did personally. Or, at the very least, minister at my husband's side. This was especially felt in youth ministry. I wanted--and still do want--to be part of what is going on and ministering to the young girls.

But, over the past year God has made it abundantly clear through his word and through my husband what His will is for me. My ministry is being a wife and mother (Titus 2:4-5). In addition to that, my husband needs me to be his behind-the-scenes supporter. He needs to come away for a while and rest in the peace of our home. If I am constantly in the middle of all the church activity and bringing it into our home, where will he rest and replenish his soul?

I have been going through the sometimes painful process of pulling out of activities. This has truly enabled my husband to accomplish so much more in ministry. It has also made me more available, that way when he needs me to step in and help out...I can!! I let my husband pick and choose which activities he wants us to attend and participate in. This is one way I can accept his leadership and protection over our family. It is actually freeing for me, because I don't feel conflicted, obligated or guilty in anyway. Saying no is so healthy!

By the time our third baby is born I will no longer be in charge of anything or volunteering specifically in any ministry at the church. This sounds so wrong. But is it? Ministering to my husband and my children is a full-time, 24-hour ministry! It is vital, it is God ordained and husband sanctioned. It's better to be in God's will than fulfilling my own ideas so I can feel more fulfilled...or worse yet, trying to meet the expectations of others.

Furthermore, this is a season... my babies will not stay babies forever. They require a lot of care and attention right now. If I am stretched too thin in every you know who will suffer?...the little ones!
  • I would like to continue to stay active physically. Doing pilates and walking really energizes me and helps me to get more done.
  • I want to continue to try to get my daily chores done. These are the bare minimum chores that I set up in my Super Flipper
  • I need to continue to find time for prayer and Bible reading. This may or may not include being part of a Bible Study Group. Either way, I need to be in prayer and in the word. I need to commit everything to the Lord.
  • I want to start setting a timer for myself when I get on Facebook. That way I don't space out and waste a bunch of time.
  • Actually complete one organizational project/room before starting a new one.
  • Declare our bedroom a 'No Dumping Zone'--- as in not allowing any more baskets and items to be brought in there until they are dealt with.
Stay tuned... next journal entry will be about Day Five.


Wine Woman said...

Good job Jen! Many times we spend time at church with our families but we are not really "with" them. You're right, this is the baby goes by fast! See you soon!

Sara L said...

This posts makes me smile :) I know when I was wanting to jump back into helping with some different ministries God really brought it to my attention where my ministry is to be right now for this season of our lives. Its a blessing to be home and serve our families. That does not mean we stop loving, giving and serving others we just have to remember to be mindful about our time away. God is so good!