Saturday, May 12, 2012

Play Foam... So much fun and mess free?

While at The Christian Heritage Homeschool conference Rory and I noticed quite a few kids playing with this foam stuff that seemed to work like play dough. I witnessed the Play Foam in action and from what I could see it looked like a lot of fun and it seemed to stay together pretty well.

My daughter Rose is a play-dough-aholic. It is a calming activity for her and it keeps her occupied for amazing lengths of time. When I saw this play foam I immediately thought of her. I was hoping it would be more portable than play-dough.

So, we bought some and brought it home. She loved it...but then came the real mess?

I must say that it is a lot less mess than play dough. And unless you put it in your hair like Rose did, it is really a pleasant activity. Playing with the foam is very calming for Rose and many adults visiting my house seem to enjoy the calming properties as well.
No mess...unless you put it in your hair! (Even if you put it in your hair it will come out.)

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