Wednesday, September 2, 2009


It all started on Secretary Appreciation Day back when I worked at Prudential... Wait it actually started farther back then that...
It all started when I worked for a landscape designer, Plantswoman Design, and Susan had a beautiful orchid in her home. Of course this woman's business totally centered around being a genius with plants. (At this point I had an assortment of houseplants, but never anything this exotic.) While doing a ride-along with her I got to peek into a greenhouse of a professional orchid grower. Amazing!

This started me out loving orchids.Then I got one of my own! And to my amazement when I followed Susan's advice, my orchid not only bloomed, but re-bloomed! It absolutely loved its spot on the windowsill of our apartment. Then two things happened to disrupt the Orchid Blooming Bliss. I had babies and we moved. That little orchid plant hasn't bloomed since. And then in an attempt to re-pot it I nearly killed it completely!

Then, my loving husband got me an orchid for Valentine's day (a couple of years later). So far I have kept it alive, but I have not been able to coax a bloom.

And the moral of the story is... Mothers of small children do not  have time to coax temperamental houseplants to bloom. But they can still enjoy the idea of orchids blooming again in the future. (Small price to pay to be a mommy!)

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