Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Missing Element

When we first moved into our home a year and a half ago we painted this bathroom blue. That was about the extent of decorating this pregnant mom could handle. But I had big plans. This is the guest bathroom that happens to be next to the kids' rooms. I was determined to not have it look like a 'kids' bathroom.' No ducks here thank you very much! I had dreams of a nice sophisticated blue and brown theme.
So we bought a brown shower curtain.... and it was all wrong. It closed off the room with a big wall of brown. And I failed to consider that when you have two children in diapers there is only so much brown you can take in a day. (This almost ruined me for chocolate, but I was able to persevere and actually come out as a more established chocoholic in the end... but that is a different story)
I spent about a year looking and looking for a shower curtain that would work. After countless online searches and checking here and there when I did happen to leave the house... I found it! This is the shower curtain that finally tied the room together. It was a totally different look than I was going for. And it does have a youthful appeal.
Once I got the curtain home, I was able to gather up all the decor from things that I already had that didn't have a place yet! I am happy with the vibrant room, and I feel like it is both welcoming to guests and the girl's things don't look out of place in it either!

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