Sunday, March 4, 2012

Surviving Survival Mode-- Part Three

During Survival Mode it is time to 1. Keep things Simple 2. Keep Perspective and Stay Positive 3. Ask for help!!!
Survival Mode is a time when one or more person in your family is sick, or struggling with their health. This series of articles is from my experience as a mom who has been frequently sick. At least in my family, when the Mamma is sick everyone struggles. 

We noticed that our family seemed to be constantly moving through the cycle of:  1. Prevention 2. Survival Mode and 3. Recovery. 

Whenever I was struggling with my health either due to Benign Hypermobility Syndrome or recovering from frequent illnesses, injuries and surgeries...we named that time "Survival Mode."    

 Survival Mode is a prime time for people to feel frustrated or despairing. It isn't hard to start feeling isolated and hopeless, especially if you are stuck in bed or confined to the house. It can be hard for the care givers to keep shouldering the burden of caring for a sick person and taking on all those other mom duties. You may start question if you will ever get through this time. You wonder how long your family will be going through this and if you will enjoy a non-survival moment. 

When my family and I start to feel that way, we try to keep perspective and stay positive.

First of all, my husband and I found it extremely comforting when we remembered that God sees us. He not only sees us, He is with us and preserving us. He is ready with all the strength we need to get through any and all trials. He is a God who understands great pain and has compassion. Reading through the Psalms is such a healing balm.

We also benefited from an infusion. When you are home bound and in Survival Mode sometimes you need to bring in a little sunshine. A friend or family member that can come in a bring news of the outside world (preferably good news). Someone to brighten and encourage and induce some smiles. If you don't know anyone like this, may I suggest hiring a clown.

One vital but very difficult thing to do during Survival Mode is to open your eyes to blessings. Trials can blind you to the blessings all around you. Appreciate everything. The sun shinning through your window into your bedroom. The sweet voices your children have. The funny things they say. Laugh at how pathetic your dinner is, and thank the Lord for it anyways. Pull out photos of brighter times, and remember with fondness not bitterness the brighter days, and pray for those brighter days to come again. Cultivate an attitude of gratitude and thankfulness. It is easy to say, but very hard to do. However, if you can teach your children to do this with you, then you will equip then to weather trials they will face in life. 

I am not talking about mere positive thinking, or faking happiness. I am talking about a peaceful fountain that flows from your soul and springs from the Holy Spirit who works this miracle in your life. It is what happens when you allow the Holy Spirit to move and flow through you during times of trial.

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