Friday, March 2, 2012

A game plan for the day!

There is that age old question every Mamma likes to hear... "What do you do all day?"

Any woman, working outside the home, or staying home, needs to have a plan to get things done. For me, I know that there are basic things that need to happen each day. I find that the best way to ensure that things get done is to plan a time to accomplish them. I created this schedule to act as a guideline for me and my family. The more we stick to it each day, the better things seem to flow.

The trick to a family schedule is to make it structured enough to get things done. But open and flexible enough for it to work! 

For instance... the girls were playing so well this morning I didn't want to interrupt them. We didn't do home school until 1pm!

Here is a day in the life for us....

6:30 - Lights on for Mom and Dad! Wake up, drink a smoothie. Complete chores and Exercise. (This is the early morning ideal that rarely happens)--(See Good Morning Mamma)

7:30 - Start making breakfast. (This is closer to when we actually get up).

8:00 - Family Breakfast at the Table. ~ Do morning devotions, get dressed, make all beds.

8:40 - Dad leaves for work.

9:00 - Chores (for me), Girls get ready for the day and Independent play. (Or help Mamma with the chores)

10:00 - Home School Time!

10:30 - Snack and Craft Time (Or extended Home School)

11:30 - Clean up and independent play until lunch

Noon - Lunch

12:30- Clean up (Load and run the dishwasher)

1:00- Outside play time. (Or hands on Home school Activities or Egg-citing Activity)

2:00- Nap or quiet time. (Usually listening to books on tape in their bed, or doing their leap pad)

3:00- Snack Time & Computer Time (Independent play in the play room)

4:00- 10 minute Tidy- Then movie for the kids while I make dinner. (The girls help set the table and sometimes help with the salad and veggie portion of the meal.)

5:00- Daddy comes home (Although he tends to work evenings) - Welcome daddy, the girls are supposed to bring him slippers and a glass of water. They usually just attack him and freak out.

5:15- Family dinner at the table.

6:00- Clean up after dinner and then 10 minute Tidy

7:00- Start the girl's night time routine.

8:00- Girls in bed.

10:00- Lights out for Mom and Dad. (Mostly)

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