Thursday, March 29, 2012

First Day of Spring!

Rather than lumping the Resurrection Celebration in with the bunny, chicks and eggs-- we separate them. This helps us to focus during Holy Week and really take time to learn all the important things about Easter. It also gives us an outlet for doing all those fun Spring Time festivities!

We had a great time Celebrating Spring this year!

 Our First Day Of Spring craft was decorating planters. We will be planting flowers and some veggies to watch grow.

 The community event we joined in with was "Read with a Daffodil Princess" at our local library. We went to this last year and it was such a fun event! The Daffodils are just popping up in our yard so they like to pick one for the princesses.

 We hunted for Spring Eggs, and invited my parents to join us in the fun. 

Since the girls have Gluten, Dairy and Egg allergies....our usual candy and cookie decorating needed to be reassessed. Since I am still working on a good sugar cookie recipe that they can enjoy cutting out and decorating, we just rolled (Gluten, Dairy & Egg free...) sugar cookies into balls and turned them into snicker doodles.

Also, finding things to go in the eggs were a challenge. Every kind of chocolate on the shelf had milk. There were a few bars of dark chocolate that were dairy free but they were not exactly ideal for putting into eggs. So we put some gummy candies, hair pretties and coins in the eggs this year.

We filled their Spring Baskets with non candy treats. They loved their play dough, pencils, socks, bubbles and notebooks! However, we did give them some peeps... this would explain the blue lips.

Other ways we celebrate spring is by packing up all their dark colored and winter clothes and getting out their brighter colored spring attire. This is also known as Fashion Week at our house, because Rose has to try everything on!

We also have been doing some Spring Cleaning!

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