Friday, March 23, 2012

Who's the Turkey Now?

The image behind the intimidation, supporting conspiracy.
Okay, so I am not really sure where this 'fear' of cooking birds has come from. I think it mostly stems from lack of experience and partially from the look of a raw bird waiting to be cooked. For whatever reason this intimidates me.
Apparently, I am not alone, because the 'How To' article I read stared out by dispelling the myth that cooking the Turkey takes culinary skill and talent. This myth buster was further confirmed during a group discussion at Bible Study around Thanksgiving time. The experienced Turkey cookers let out a little secret. They all cooked the Turkey and made the pies. The Turkey is the easy part, and they let their daughter's and daughter-in-laws toil with all the potato peeling and labor intensive side dishes.
So, it is a conspiracy...good to know!
Growing up my mom would cook a Turkey about twice a year, for the usual Christmas or special occasion. And truthfully, I can't really remember ever seeing the bird being put in the oven. We didn't really cook birds regularly, we just got those frozen Chicken Breasts from Costco and called that Chicken.
Now that I am on my own and our food budget staring me in the face, the only reasonable thing to do is to conquer my fear and cook the bird.
I started out small with a Orange Glazed Cornish Game Hens, they turned out delicious.
Then I worked my way up to chicken. Some in soup and a few roasted in the oven. (My first attempt was rather dry, but I improved on the second attempt).
Somehow I thought I was ready to move up to cooking a Turkey. Now, reason would dictate that with a small family and limited experience, that I would start with a small Turkey. But, no, that would make too much sense. We opted for a 20 pounder.

I love to cook and enjoy new recipes and challenges. But when a large frozen bird is staring me in the face it produces one reaction...procrastination.
Without fail, I always put off cooking the bird waiting in my freezer.

This particular Turkey had sat in my freezer longer than I could remember. So, I finally decided that it was time to cook the beast.
I let it thaw in the fridge while we went to my parents for the weekend. Then on Monday, came the day of reckoning.
I stared down that bird, read and re-read the directions on the package. Watched a 'How To' video and then read and reread the directions I found on line. Then I stared at the bird some more. In the midst of this procrastination I talked to my friend Leslie, her last words were..."Foil is your friend." Guess who was pretty much all out of foil? Not much foil to befriend my Turkey...would this be 20 pounds of foiled meat?
All the foil I had to cover my poor Turkey.
Well, time passed and kids distracted me and I still tried to get my game plan and muster up my gumption. I soon realized that I passed my window and had to make dinner for the evening, because there was no way this bird would be done in time for dinner.
It wasn't until after dinner was done and the kids were in bed that I started wrestling with the Turkey. Having just tucked in my 30 pound preschooler, my battle with washing the Turkey felt oddly reminiscent. I finally un-tucked the legs, figured out which end contained the secret compartment with the hidden pouch and the spot to stick the veggies. All the while questioning if I was doing it right.
When my 20 pound friend was finally tucked in, slathered with butter and herbs and deemed oven ready the clock read 9 pm. Hmmm....
At this point I had to dig through the trash to find out exactly how big this really heavy thing I could hardly lift was. Then I started counting the hours it would take to cook on my fingers. And the realization came to me. No matter what I did I was going to have to get up at 4am. Either to take it out of the oven or put it in so it would be done before the girl's ballet class. (Rory later pointed out that I could have just put it in at midnight and taken it out at 6. Where was that voice of reason when I was deliriously tired and trying to get this Turkey in the oven despite my big baby belly?)
Oddly enough I woke up at around 4 am on my own. Unfortunately for my husband I could not lift it out of the oven...again with the baby belly. So Rory got to get up at 4 am and help me... sorry honey!
Note the time in the back ground...The Turkey was finally cooked!
It wasn't until the next morning after we had rested and the Turkey had rested that we sliced in to discover exactly how dry this turkey was.
I am glad to report that it was not that dry. In fact it was pretty good. Not the moist masterpieces my mom and Aunt usually prepare...but good enough! It will be put to good use in Turkey Pot Pies, Enchiladas and all sorts of dinners to come.

Rose was excited to eat her Turkey on a Handle!

She thought it tasted great! One satisfied customer!

1 comment:

Mamareed78 said...

Are you kidding me right now? How cute is that kid! LOL. Love your writing Jen!