Thursday, March 1, 2012

Surviving Survival Mode- Part Two!

This is another installment in the series-- Mamma Shouldn't Get Sick!

During Survival Mode it is time to 1. Keep things Simple 2. Keep Perspective and Stay Positive 4. Ask for help!!!
1. Keep Things Simple

When you are in Survival Mode your focus is on surviving the current crisis. You are not doing anything extra. This is not the time to keep up appearances. It is kind of like being grounded. Depending on the nature of the sickness or trial, you most likely will be spending most of your time at home or at a hospital. 

If any extra-curricular activities can be cut, do it. If home projects can be put off, put them off. Stick to the basics-- Food, Shelter, Clothing and Affection.

This can be especially hard when Survival Mode lasts months and even years. People with long term illnesses and their families may feel that they have moved to Survival-Ville. 

One of the dangers of living in Survival-Ville is that after the initial shock wears off you forget to keep things simple. You get tired of keeping things simple and let more responsibility and activities creep in... more than just a few! When you are in Survival Mode it doesn't take much to send you and your family over board. 

Survival Mode isn't where any of us what to live our lives. But, it is good to recognize when you are there. When Survival Mode becomes a lifestyle, keeping things simple has to go with it. Otherwise, you will add a roller coaster effect to an already not ideal setting.

What do I mean by roller coaster? I mean that if you don't keep things simple and do too many activities that take energy outside meeting your family's will experience a high of business that will make you feel a rush of adrenaline that will make you feel better for a short time. Then you will experience a crash. You take a nose dive back into Survival Mode. This wild ride isn't good for anyone.

Plan diversions. Get out and see people when you can. But--- Keep it simple! Once you have built up some strength and are starting to recover, don't squander it and send yourself backwards.

Keeping things simple may seem like a contradiction in terms, especially if just doing day to day things seems very over whelming. (More on this later)

But the point is, look at your life. What is most important. What NEEDS to happen to keep your family healthy (physically & spiritually) and feeling loved? Then do the hard task of cutting out the rest. Ask the Lord for help and discernment in this task.

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