Saturday, March 3, 2012

Keep the Kids in the Loop!

Around our house there are a few visual reminders of our schedule that the girls can interact with.

The first is a good ol' fashioned chore chart. I found ours in the dollar section of Target. It is a great magnetic, dry erase chart. On it I have written a few chores AKA daily habits that the girls should be completing every day.

Our lists go something like this:
Brush your hair
Brush your teeth
Get dressed
Make your bed
Pick up your room
Put away your clothes.
Make sure there are no toys in the living room.
Help set the table.

*Other chores we could have put on are: Help sort the laundry. Help make the salad or veggies for dinner. 

The other visual reminder is our interactive schedule AKA Day Planner that I made.

This is a kid version of our daily schedule. It is broken down by hours of the day. For each hour there are three Velcro squares. I have laminated picture squares that represent activities we do during the day and the week. Either the night before or that morning we fill in the day with the activities we have planned. We stick the activity pictures into the time slots. It is essentially a photo day planner for kids.

How I did this Project.
1. A list of your families daily, weekly and monthly activities. You will also need a list of people you may visit or see.
2. Find a picture to coordinate with each activity or person. I used photos that I took as well as lots and lots of Microsoft Clipart.
3. Print out your activity squares. You also need to print out the hours of the day in a large font as well as your day planner title.

4. Glue the hours and the title to poster board.
5. Take the poster board and your pages of activity squares to be laminated. (I usually go to Office Depot)

6. Once everything has been laminated, apply the Velcro squares to the poster and the activity squares. (I made our school calendar and our Daily Planner at the same time. So, I made sure that all the squares that went on the poster and the calendar were the fuzzy side of the Velcro. This way the activity squares could be used on both the calendar and the day planner.)
 If there is an even coming up, I will put it on our home school calendar and then move it to our Day Planner the day of. 
7. Apply magnet strips or Command Strips to prepare to mount it to the wall or door.
8. Stick on the Activity Squares for the day and start using it!

1 comment:

Laila Hussein said...

Great Post! Thank you!