Friday, October 14, 2011

5210 Let's Go!

A couple of years ago I came across an article in Parents magazine that highlighted a program to educated parents and children in order to prevent childhood obesity.
5210 stands for a daily standard of what kids should be doing each day to stay healthy.

5- Five fruits and vegetables a day
2- Two- no more than two hours of television/TV/ or video & computer games per day.
1- One hour of physical activity
0-Zero sweets and foods that have no nutritional value.

It was a very small article, but it really caught my eye... what a simple recipe! I used this concept when developing our family schedule. I also wanted a way to keep track and stay accountable to the 5210 guidelines 
So I created and laminated a chart that I could mark off through out the day. This way the whole family could see where we were in each day.

I added a vitamin check list and my chore list to the chart. Whenever I complete any of those tasks I can just mark them off with the dry erase marker.

Now a couple of years later this program has really caught on and gained notoriety. Our local elementary School is doing this program as a school. There are lots of resources you can use to implement this program into your home.
Check it out: 5210 Let's Go!

(Let me know if you would like a chart of your own. I hope to make my charts available on PDF soon! If you want one it will probably make me get it done faster!)

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