Thursday, September 29, 2011

Warming up the place...

Last year I learned that in order for me to fully enjoy fall I first had to experience summer. I had back surgery in June 2010 and missed pretty much the entire summer. When fall came I was just barely starting to feel better. It was time to put away the summer clothes (which I had never worn) and to think about decorating for fall. I usually love the fall, but last year it did not appeal to me. I missed the freedom and fresh out door life of summer and was not ready to come back inside and smell that pumpkin spice candle. 
I also don't think I had enough energy to think about doing something extra like decorate.

I am happy to report... I felt like decorating this year. And I am enjoying fall this year! I enjoyed my summer and was much more ready to embrace my favorite season.

I enjoy decorating and changing a few parts of the house for each season. I really enjoy the change! I get very tired of looking at the same things. Plus my husband loves it when I decorate for fall. I really don't need another reason than that! There is nothing better than pleasing the man I love!

Here are my objectives for Fall Decorations 2011:
~ I didn't feel like having a bunch of cute things out. I wanted to warm up the house with fall colors and keep it classy. I did not feel compelled to put out every fall decoration I own.
~ The two main areas I decorate are the buffet in the dining room and the top of piano. These two areas are at the heart of my home. I can decorate those two places and it makes the whole house feel decorated. I scatter a few items here and there, but not much.
~ My main mode of decorating is to re-purpose decorations and house hold items in a fresh fall way. I took what I had and gave it a fresh look. I freshened up my vine wreath by wrapping the bobbles with foil leaves and a ribbon. Then I just tied it with string to my curtain rod.
~ I also wanted to seamlessly add in a few Thanksgiving specific decorations as we got closer to that holiday. Or if I don't feel like it... I don't have to. These decorations can last from September to Thanksgiving!
~The goal... maximum holiday feel with minimum set up or clean up!

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