Sunday, August 28, 2011

Commonly Asked Questions

The following questions are in regards to my orthotic and the Oral Systemic Balance

How is this different from the mouth guard you can buy at the grocery store, or custom ones made by your dentist?
I tried the grocery store mouth guard and the custom mouth guard from my dentist before going to see Dr. Robson. Neither of these helped me, in fact they made me worse.

While, my orthotic does fit over my teeth in a similar way, however, the design of it is completely different. The other mouth guards just prevent your teeth from grinding on one another. This orthotic actually redirects my tongue and jaw so that I get more air.

My orthotic is worn all day and all night. The only time I take it out is to eat. I have grown accustomed to the proper amounts of oxygen. It is very noticeable when I take it out, my hands start turning blue, and my chest starts pulling back in. My body also starts to produce adrenaline to adjust to the decrease in air.

Why does it cost so much?

The orthotic itself does not cost $16,000, it is the entire process. This process is called Oral Systemic Balance. This is the estimated cost of my recovery process based on the best plan Dr. Robson has to get me well. The process can not be completed in just one sitting. As my body changes and responds to the increased level of oxygen, the orthotic needs to be changed and modified.

When I go to the office I am not just having a brief meeting with Dr. Robson. There are several technicians who work to adjust my orthotic. I also see an RN who is monitoring my body functions and changes. I receive complete care while in their office. Most of my appointments have lasted about 2 hours or more.

Have you continued to see improvement?
In the first week I noticed better sleeping, tone and color of my skin and more energy.

Within the month I stopped taking all my medications. 

Before I received my orthotic I had a large indentation in my chest. Since I have been wearing the orthotic my chest has pulled forward dramatically. The amount of air that I am getting in each breath has increased significantly.

Before this, if I did too many activities (fun or otherwise) it was always followed by some kind of sickness that lasted for a week. After getting the retainer/ orthotic I was able to go on a week long mission trip with my family, and I did not get sick when I returned.

I have had many more amazing experiences -- like what it's like to sing and breathe at the same time!

Our quality of life has improved dramatically. I am told that this is just the beginning.

Is this a common problem? 

As I understand it, this is an extremely common problem. There are lots of testimonies with dramatic results for all kinds of symptoms. There has been amazing results for those with Fibromyalgia, Autism, ADD and ADHD, Bulimia, Anorexia and many drug and alcohol addictions, depression, chronic fatigue, sleep apnea and the list goes on.

Side Note: I did not have any of the above conditions. 

How can I find out more about it?
Further information can be found at

A fellow patient and blogger share's her story at:

There are numerous discussion threads that mention Doctor Farrand Robson
and Oral Systemic Balance(OSB).

Article by Dr. Robson

Article: Miracles in Medicine

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