Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Isn't it Ironic...

Well, shortly after I wrote the post about connecting with your kids from your bed... I was put on bed rest. As far as bed rest goes...my stint was not that bad. I had high hopes of getting a lot of posts stocked up in the queue so that once Junior was born I would still be able to keep the blog going. But, as luck would have it, when I would have loved to have it the most...my laptop died.

As it turns out writing on my blog is pretty hard to do without a computer. And really, in all honestly, I haven't had two hands to type with in a long time. So here I am five months after little Junior joined my family I am ready to start plunking away at the keys again. I have really missed writing and other creative outlets since the birth of our adorable son.

My current adventure is simply trying to adjust to life with three kids. Three kids is a whole new ball game. I really should post a picture of what my house looks like right now...the word mess does not quite do it justice.

Adding a third child to the mix has created a very different dynamic. I really wondered why few could say anything encouraging about having a third child. To those of you pregnant with your third child... all I can say is buckle your seat belt, and get ready for an adventure. I don't want to add to the negativity, but I will say, just know it is very different.  I love, love, love having three kids. I wouldn't trade our sweet little guy for anything. But as many mothers who have come before me can attest...you can't fully understand Crazy Town until you actually live there. People can describe it's attractions and day-to-day living...but no one can adequately describe the adjustment of adding a third child. It is messy, silly, stressful, and a beautiful place to be!

So here I am sending you a post card from my favorite place to live! Hopefully, I will be able to make more regular blog entries in the future.

Until then, All my love to you from Crazy Town!

1 comment:

Anna Bradshaw said...

So glad to see a new (and very honest) post from you!