Sunday, February 26, 2012

Mamma Shouldn't Get Sick--- Survival Mode- Part One

In a perfect world the Mamma would never get sick or hurt. We would always be in great health and able to run after our children. For many women this is not their reality.

And for me, my past five years of motherhood has had to be accomplished through a constant ebb and flow of sickness. It is never fun when a Mom gets sick, but it is so hard when a Mamma being sick is a normal part of family life. 

Before I was treated with Oral Systemic Balance (OSB)  I was sick approximately a week a month. We are not talking about a little head cold, I was sick in bed. In addition to frequent illness I had chronic pain caused by benign hyper mobility syndrome and was recovering from a spinal fusion. Since OSB these phases have become much more stretched and at times completely diminished. But even now we find ourselves back in the cycle from time to during pregnancy and getting through the first 12 weeks.

As a family we find ourselves moving through a three phase cycle: 

1. Prevention -2. Survival Mode -3. Recovery to Routine. This is such a big topic for me that I will posting three articles focused on the Survival Mode Phase.

How do you know you are in Survival Mode? Well, your house looks like it has never been cleaned...ever.  Your vacuum actually has cobwebs on it. You have eaten through the contents of the freezer. All those meals you saved for a rainy day are gone. Your kids have gotten in the habit of watching much more TV than any child should watch. And your kids are wearing who knows what and probably haven't brushed their hair in a while.

Survival Mode descends on a home when one or more members of the family are sick. You may find your family shifting into this gear when going through a time of emotional upheaval as well.

Survival Mode is a place where you and your husband do whatever it takes for the family to survive, and not much more. You somehow get everyone three meals a day. Suddenly, cereal for dinner is a viable option. You bathe the kids at least once a week. Your husband goes to work and then comes home. In those hours in between you get through.

During Survival Mode it is time to 1. Keep things Simple 2. Keep Perspective and Stay Positive 4. Ask for help!!!

Stay Tuned.... in the next week I will post three more articles exploring how to survive Survival Mode.  

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